When was the last time you were not proud of something you’d done?
Slice Card
I am a second year Engineering student currently living 2000km away from home.
About 7 months ago one of my friends told me about the Slice card and said that I will receive a bonus of 300 rupees also on using the Slice card for the very first time.
I told him that it’s of no use for me.
But I fell for it 😭😭😭
About 4 months ago I was feeling a lot of money crunch so using my friend referral link I opened my slice account.
It felt like a new found freedom. Initially everything was in control. Every now and then I started treating myself.
Slowly and Slowly I started wasting my money on unimportant things
I started ordering daily from Swiggy instead of going to the mess.
Month after month the payable due started increasing and It started to get in my head. I started to feel tense about it. And finally it became unmanageable.
I finally confessed to my parents
I felt ashamed but now that things have started to go out of control, that’s the only way to get control back.I confessed that for the past couple of months I have been using the Slice card and had made a lot of unwanted purchases. And now the payable due has become unmanageable so I am asking u for sending extra money this month so I could pay the due. From that day onwards I have deactivated my slice account and cursed a lot about slice and now again I feel free.
My story feels rather okay compared to the other stories I have witnessed and heard around the slice card that is a boon and curse to young adults who have just entered the world of Adulthood.